Law Office of Bruce R. Fuhrer
Serious Injuries   •   Wrongful Death   •   Construction Defect   •   Property Damages   •   Civil Litigation
Practice Areas

tel: 818.994.4400
fax: 818.994.4600


  • Serious or catastrophic injury
  • Wrongful death
  • Negligence
  • Motorcycle, truck, other vehicle accidents
  • Slip, fall, other accidents
  • Product liability
  • Fiduciary duties
  • Property damage
  • Construction defect
  • Contracts
  • Contractors
  • Premises liability
  • Dangerous conditions
  • Public areas or roadways
  • Government liability
  • Common carrier liability
  • Professional liability (malpractice)
  • Insurance
  • Consumer safety
  • Individual or group actions
  • Civil matters
  • Consultation
© 2009 Law Office of Bruce R. Fuhrer. All Rights Reserved.